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Are you ready to learn the essentials of a yoga practice?

that suits you


empowers you with the techinque and tools 

to feel better in your body.


Join The Foundations a 6 week one-of-a-kind, guided video course designed for you whether you have never tried yoga, or you are ready to deepen your practice.

You want a structured program that is dynamic and you can do from home

You feel stressed and know your body needs to start doing yoga.


So, you took out your yoga mat and tried some some internet videos but that only took you so far.


Or you have been practicing for sometime and have hit a roadbloack. Maybe feeling the effects of overworking the joints or misaligment. You need guidance and want to make sure your foundations are strong.

Sound about right?  

You are feeling the stress in your back, neck or shoulder, not sleeping so well, feeling a bit up and down and not sure how to start.


You are committed to having a healthy body and mind.

Did you know?

There is a practice that grows with you whether you are a beginner or advanced whether you need to energize your body or quiet your nervous system. It's a complete system for well-being. 


Once you learn the foundations, this practice is by your side for the rest of your life. 


You learn step-by-step in systematic way with a teacher who has years of training so you are never lost, learn how to adapt for your body, balance both your strength and flexiblity and remove the accumulated stress on your nervous system. All this empowers you with a practice  to feel better in your body everyday




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Image by Priscilla Du Preez

Let me guess...

✘ You've taken classes but get frustrated or bored. 

✘ You're feeling way more stressed than in the past.

✘ You have questions that don't get answered by other teachers.

✘ You are smart and enjoy learning rather than following along.

✘ You have started doing some yoga but then fell off the wagon


✘ You want a high quality program to learn and practice at home


You want to feel stronger, taller, more grounded and less pain.


You want to learn yoga so you can feel better in your body now and forever.



But maybe you  were frustrated with classes


Until I started attending Jen's yoga classes I never really understood what yoga was. All my life I have gone off and on to yoga classes only to leave frustrated and feeling "inadequate" and often times feeling blah. After attending Jen's Iyengar classes I now have a passion, appreciation and understanding of what yoga is and should be!

Marsha Ramsey

It's not you, it's the method of teaching

Following the leader

If you are in a class and you are just trying keep up, this is not learning. You might be able to keep up and if not, it's a struggle. When you learn step by step like you would a language, you build on your skills, gain confidence and get to know and embrace yourself as you are.





It's definitely not you. First, it's important  to learn the foundational actions and build up progressively instead of just trying to keep up. Iyengar yoga teachers undergo years of rigorous training and continual assessments to become certified in this time-honoured method. This training prepares them to teach all poses to all students in an intellgent, individualized way.

Incomplete system

Iyengar yoga is a holistic practice that includes the whole meal of yoga. The student progressively learns it all: inversions, forward bend, backward bends, twists and restorative and pranayama in all -paces: active, dynamic, static and passive. When you stay, you learn how Iyengar yoga supports you through all phases of your life.

Can you relate? 
Not all yoga classes are the same

These days, it's pretty confusing out there - so any styles of yoga! As a student, you have to do a little homework. 

When you learn a traditional, intelligent step by step method that is complete and holistic you: 

✶ Improve Aligment (which reduces injury)

✶ Increase Strength and Flexibilty

✶ Cultivate Balance

✶ Reduce Pain

✶ Deactivate the cycles of stress
(which helps avoid disease)

✶ Gain Peace of Mind

Increase Awareness and Understand how your body works (which empowers you)

You learn YOUR body instead of trying to fit it into someone else's. You challenge your body and mind in ways you never thought possible. 

You gain tools and knowledge to practice for your body and life.  

It all begins with The Foundations.


Here it is

a 6 week expertly designed at-home program with hightouch support and built-in accountability to ensure your success.

The Foundations

In the Foundations, you learn a step-by-step process with clear and precise directions,  you progress steadily whether you you want to touch your toes or drop back.


A focus on mindful action and awareness of alignement, you learn techinques to practice for your unique body, develop more balance, equanimity, intelligence and integration.  


Classes are released weekly over 8 weeks easy to digest pieces that repeat and build upon one another week to week.  The classes are dynamic, fun, instructive and sprinkled with practical inspiration from the wisdom of yoga.

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Not just another video course

that you never finish  (if you are like me!)

This course designed specifically for success and

(i hope!) a big metamorphosis 

6 Weekly Lessons

Themed lessons are released weekly. To ensure you get all the benefits and stay on track, you have 8 weeks to complete the program. Each lesson is themed and builds on the skills of the previous lesson. Instructional videos are 30-40minutes

7 Short Practices

Shorter videos to practice a skill learned during the work, offer a  challenge to the week's lesson and convenient to your schedule

3 Livestream classes

Attend 3 classes live on zoom or via the recordings, available for 48 hours. Class is interactive and Jen can give direct feedback.

Support and Accountability

Here is why this program is unique. Hi-touch support including weekly reminders and support, 1:1 coaching call, community support and Jen avaiable for quesions.


1:1 Private Consultation with Jen (Value $100)

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Webinar and Ebook "How to Create a Home Practice" (Value $100)

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Words from students  

Image by Ludovic Migneault


Ashtanga yoga sudent

After practicing various forms of Yoga for a couple years, I was ready to take my Ashtanga practice to the next level. I felt that many of my fundamentals were off which in turn was impairing my ability to grow and improve. Jen was able to identify several items at the core of my practice and worked intensively to correct my alignment in numerous postures. She helped me uncover the weaknesses that I had been trying to overcome with my strengths instead of correcting the root of the problem.

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Jewelry Designer 

I got to know my body again and slow down the aging process​.

I’m never bored in class because the specific focus on the body takes you on a journey and there is just so much voyaging to do!!! The mind is fully connected with the body and the body is working and activated because of it. I have met few teachers with this talent and Jen has it.”


"Clear instruction, variety, skillful sequencing and high level skill."

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"Jen mixes the magic of yoga and the science of yoga in an easy to understand practice."

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"Every class has a different emphasis with some new approach or pose but familiar lead up"

What to Expect

01: The Shape of the pose​

  • Learn the essential action of the legs in standing poses

  • Strengthen your base

  • Tutorial on props

Week 04: Stability and Mobility

  • ​​​​Standing twists and balance.

  • Healthy actions for the back.

  • How to use movement to create freedom.

02: Extension and Expansion

  •  Increase awareness of alignment.

  • The principle actions of the legs and arms to extend the spine

  • How to use a wall for support

05: From the Known to the Unknown 

  •  Essential actions of backbends

  • Cultivate confidence and resilience

03: Spreading your  Awareness 

  • Refine the actions learned from the previous weeks

  • Seated pose and twists

06: Union - Integration of breath 

  • ​​​​Practice a graceful sequence of standing poses with attention on breath.​

  • Restorative practice


1:1 Consulation with Jen

Value $100

Free ebook and Webinar "How to Create a Successful Home Practice"

Value $50

Everything in The Foundations

  • 6 30-40 minute Instructional videos $200

  • 7 15-20 minute practice videos $100

  • 2 Tutorial videos $25

  • 1:1 Consult with Jen $100


  • Webinar and book "How to create a consistent practice at home" $50

  • Weekly hi-touch support $200

  • Done for you schedule $15


  • Done for you reflection practice workshet $20

  • 1 Live stream classes $25


  • Guide- 6 poses to Relieve Back Pain -$ 40

Total: $700 $99

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more words from students...



I am thoroughly enjoying Foundations After 25 years of practice,  I feel I need to keep my basic knowledge and practice active.  I feel we can never have too much of the Yoga foundation reminders and practice for our Yoga practice be it Iyengar or any Yoga practice.


Jen is an inspiration to me - she is a fabulous teacher with clarity of her instruction, and a skill in observing and correcting her students.  She finds creative ways to work different muscle groups, her sequencing is well thought out and she makes every challenge accessible and keeps you interested as you learn new skills.  Her yoga has saved  and strengthened my body and mind and reminded me how resilient the human body is.  

She has helped me be a better yoga teacher/student. I gain so much by following her!

Jodie Beck, yoga teacher

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Meet Jen

Hi! I can't wait to share this practice with you! At the start, I bounced around from one yoga to another yoga style shopping around but I always came back to Iyengar yoga. It has served every aspect of my life. Even when it's been hard, those challenges made me resilient.

Classes are challenging and I care deeply about my students and try to do that with an eagle eye and a compassionate heart.   I understand how challegning it is to practice consistently to keep motivated.  And I know how important this practice is for your body, mind and heart. 

I'm a certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher CIYT Level 3 and a Certified Yoga Therapist. Years of training, not just hours. Also, I have studied Cranial Sacral, Somatic Movement as well as Vedic Counseling with Dr. Frawley.

I am first and foremost a student and practice regularly with direct disciples of BKS Iyengar.

My goal is to bring a modern, upbeat dynamic to class. and empower my students to live more conscious, compassionate lives. 

"Woof," Shanti welcomes you.

This is for you if:

✔︎ You are ready to make a commitment to yourself.

✔︎ You can practice 2-3 times a week for the next 8 weeks.

✔︎ You want to learn the foundations.

✔︎ You want to learn and be seen by a teacher.

Yoga Pose

My Guarantee

If you have done all the videos, completed the reflection sheets for your practice, completed the workbook and posted in the community group and you have experienced absolutely no change I will refund you the course.

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