Iyengar Yoga is based on the teachings of living yoga master B.K.S. Iyengar. It is a complete approach to physical, mental emotional and spiritual transformation bringing physical health, vitality, mental clarity wisdom and emotional serenity. It emphasizes correct alignment of all parts of the body within each yoga pose. This precision builds strength and stamina- balance and flexibility – and a new sense of well-being. Achieving mediation in action, students learn to exist fully and vibrantly in the present moment.
use of props to deepen understanding of actions in poses highest standards of training’s ability and skill, both within each class and from class to class. The highly developed method includes precise use of language.
clear, progressive instruction individual corrections/adjustments, integration of philosophy
use of props to deepen understanding of actions in poses highest standards of training
The practice is progressive, building a stable foundation before attempting more demanding work. Beginners start with standing yoga poses and are gradually introduced to a fuller range of sitting and reclining yoga postures, forward extensions, inversions, twists, backbends, and arm balances. Yoga is learned through repetition, practice and analysis.
The Iyengar yoga technique emphasizes precision and alignment, and quality and consciousness of movement is prioritized over quantity. You learn to move while working within your limitations. Yoga props such as blankets, blocks, and belts may be used to improve your understanding of poses or to help if you have difficulties and make the postures safe to do.
A student of Iyengar yoga builds strength where there is weakness, mobility where there is stiffness and gains a practical tool for mental concentration and understanding themselves better. Regular attendance is recommended strongly to learn and be properly guided.
Students with limitations, conditions or injuries must contact the teacher to discuss the appropriate class to attend. Iyengar teachers are trained to deal with a variety of conditions and situations with the use of props and or teaching poses in stages to address students' needs. But you must inform the teacher before class so that your needs can be addressed.
Class begins with the invocation to Pantanjali to whom we offer our gratitude for documenting the path of yoga in the Yoga Sutras.
I look forward to seeing you in class!
Jen Kagan is an Iyengar yoga teacher, health coach and sign language interpeter, helping interpreters all over the world feel better and relieve pain and tension
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