A sign language interpreter who understands exactly what you do and how you feel and created a program to help you relieve and prevent the pain and stress so you can keep doing what you love for as long as you want.
You can be
As a sign language interpreter, you have found THE place dedicated to your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
Here is a home to learn proven, do-able strategies to relieve stress tension, increase energy and confidence, feel better and have a long healthy career as a sign language interpreter.
Look, in our field, prioritizing your physical and mental well-being remains a secondary consideration. We have learned to not prioritize our health and this is not sustainable.
When an interpreter feels centered, grounded, present, and pain-free they do their job better, enjoy their job for a long time.
Our industry tries to spotlight self-care but offers no realistic solutions for the modern demands on an interpreter.
This is the void I aim to fill
How We Can Work Together
Ready to Get Started?
Schedule a Free 20-Minute 'Ditch the Pain and Stress' Strategy Session to discover the best place for you to begin.
I don't need to tell you how many interpreters suffer from Repetitive Strain Symptoms
You don't have to be a statistic. There is a solution.
Interpreters often face a vicious cycle of pain and expensive treatments, yet true relief lies in daily habits, routines, and practices that build resilience and provide tools for sustainable well-being.
Short-term solutions are temporary to resolve. all the challenges you face every day.
I understand this firsthand. I'm dedicated to helping interpreters avoid the fear of career-stopping pain and stress and feel strong, resilient and have peace of mind.
You can establish a sustainable career, avoid burnout and be unstoppable.
A Holistic Approach for Your Complete Self
Not all yoga is the same and not all styles are beneficial for our interpreter bodies. I learned this the hard way when I tore my rotator cuff in an attempt to keep up in class that did not have instruction.
Through years of personal experience and study, I've learned how to practice and teach for interpreters' needs so that we can gain the same benefits of strength, flexibility and peace of mind.
The sister science Ayurveda, a preventative approach to health, offers ancient wisdom that helps an interpreter establish easy, daily routines to reduce stress, sleep better and have a focused mind.
Three Pillars of Health: reduce the unique stress facing interpreters
Three Prong Method of Yoga: progressive learning for the needs of an interpreter
The Steps to Becoming Unstoppable
Hear directly from interpreters
Kate took a leap of faith and came to a retreat in Mexico that helped her prepare for a serious life change.a serious life change.
Jennifer, hated the idea of moving but quickly found herself planning her yoga practice before anything else.
Listen to how Emma went from debilitating backpain to running with the kids at work.
Why start today?
Why work with me?
How We Can Work Together
If you are tired of making excuses and ready to start feeling better, practicing yoga, and integrating healthy habits into your life, schedule a call today.
*You can earn CEUS
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As an interpreter and a long -time yoga instructor I know what our bodies need. Yoga for Sign Language interpreters' curriculum builds up the fundamental principles step-by-step without undue stress on your shoulders or wrists. With consistency and practice, interpreters find themselves able to do poses they never thought they could.
Group classes are in English. I offer 1:1 in ASL
I do! I offer 6 or 8 week recorded courses as well as shorter workshops. Schedule a call so I can guide you to the right course for you.
Yes, I do offer CEUS please contact me. Some are PINRA opportunites and others are processed at the end of your course.
Recent Blog Articles
Jen Kagan is an Iyengar yoga teacher, health coach and sign language interpeter, helping interpreters all over the world feel better and relieve pain and tension
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