I've been an interpreter for close to 30 years! I suffered from repetitive strain and all sorts of aches and pains. I struggled with confidence and perfectionism and being flexible to the point of not believing I could have my own personal boundaries.


I have been teaching yoga for more than 15 years and hold a level 3 certification in Iyengar yoga as well as certified by the International Association of Yoga Therapists. I have 1000's hours of study and practice. I am also a student of Ayurveda and an Ayurvedic Health Coach.

Now, I'm bringing all this to my interpreter community. There is no one else bringing the level of my knowledge and training to the interpreter community.

I want you to feel great and have a healthy happy career. It is possible! I do not want you just to survive. I want you to THRIVE in your health, life, and career.

I have called this program Unstoppable because I know you love what you do and who you serve and you want to continue interpreting for a long time. There are many things that can stop us whether it's physical like carpal tunnel or mental like burnout or situational like scarcity of work.

There are things we can do as interpreters that no one else is teaching you to become resilient and Unstoppable.

Sustainability comes when your mind and body are consistently nourished, balanced, and healthy.

I share with you practical grounded practices from my personal experience with Iyengar yoga, a classical form that focuses on precision and progressive learning to build strength and stamina–balance and flexibility and a new sense of well-being to learn to exist fully and vibrantly in the present moment as well as time-honored and proven practices for holistic health and positive mindset. Unstoppable is a holistic program that takes the entirety of you into care and consideration

I'm a certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher CIYT Level 3 and a Certified Yoga Therapist C-IAYT, with 1000's of hours studying and teaching. Ayurveda Therapist Level 1 from Ayushkama Ayurveda Institute, Vedic Counseling with Dr. Frawley, and cranial sacral therapy.


Jen Kagan is an Iyengar yoga teacher, health coach and sign language interpeter, helping interpreters all over the world feel better and relieve pain and tension






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